
07.03.2013 Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

Friday, March 8th, 2013

Ey, that’s mean! For more than half of the concert I was certain that I could write this report in just five sentences, without doing the concert injustice in any way. Just by saying: A great audience, amazing atmosphere, loud singing, lots of dancing everywhere, and a band in an awesome mood, concentrating on playing instead of talking.

The only notes that I took until then were that Killmaster – during his “dancing spot” in En for orgelet – attempted a moon walk (which worked more like so-so *cough*) and that Hellraizer was actually wearing a yellow shirt (no, no, no *g*).

But after that, there were a few more details that are worth reporting … =;-) Omen was really the best throughout the whole concert; obviously, he was in a great mood and willing to do anything. At some point in time, he started eating dinner out of his suitcase, he imitated the Jackal, he was basically lying on his organ when he was “frightened” in the middle part of Svarte katter, he took a call on the megaphone, cleaned his gas mask, and took notes all the time. Incredibly funny!

The Jackal explained they had been shoe shopping – eight new pairs! So Berlin has the best shoe shops ever.

According to the management, they were supposed to play a ballad in the middle of the set, but: “We’re not playing any ballads in Berlin!” Instead, we got Sigøynerblod.

At the end, they did the tap dance of Begravelsespolka down in the audience again. Unlike in Erlangen, this was quite a challenge though: a high stage, barrier between the stage and the audience, and quite a big crow. Apparently, there was some kind of altercation between the Jackal and a fan – she wanted to grab the opportunity to shoot a photo but obviously got too close, so the Jackal was very clear: “Get the fuck out of my face while I’m dancing”. From what I heard, that might have been a harsh way to put it, but definitely justified. But yeah … “from what I heard”. I couldn’t see anything – and this is my biggest criticism about the concert. Of course it’s a nice idea to do the tap dance in the audience, but when it is on stage, you can actually SEE it. In Erlangen, it wasn’t too crowded, so that most of the audience could at least see some of it; but in Berlin, they excluded more than half of the audience from the fun. Which is a big minus. Honestly, I was REALLY annoyed at that time … *grr*

But Helge delivered the explanation for why they chose to do it like that after the concert in a short conversation. And the answer is more than logical: Carpet on stage! OK, I understand, it really doesn’t make sense to tap on carpet. =;-)

So in the end, I wrote more than just five sentences after all, but the general tone is the same: an absolutely awesome concert, one of the best of the tour up to now!

The setlist:

  • Aldri vodka, Violeta
  • Det polaroide liv
  • Tusen dråper regn
  • Din kjole lukter bensin, mor
  • En for orgelet, en for meg
  • Støv og sand
  • I ett med verden
  • Ompa til du dør
  • Bøn fra helvete
  • Sigøynerblod
  • Forloveren
  • Kontroll på kontinentet
  • KGB
  • Dr. Mowinckel
  • Hjerteknuser
  • Svarte katter & flosshatter
  • Maestro
  • Begravelsespolka
  • Dieter Meyers Inst.

06.04.2011 Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

And the tour goes on – next stop: Berlin! Berlin is also known for great Kaizers concerts, and again, we got just that. In a way, the concert seemed like a rerun of the Munich concert, because they “recycled” some announcements and things (like for example Hellraizer’s confusion about the break in Delikatessen), but that isn’t bad at all – if it works, do it again!

Of course the concert started with Jarle Bernhoft, who changed the name of Postbahnhof in “Postbernhoft”. At least I think that’s what he did, if I understood it correctly. And as always, Jarle was a good sign for how the atmosphere during the Kaizers concert would be. He got a great reception, and so did Kaizers lateron!

The setlist was shortened a bit: Intro, Delikatessen, Djevelens orkester, Señor Torpedo, Veterans klage, Sigøynerblod, Resistansen, Philemon Arthur & The Dung, Din kjole lukter bensin mor, En for orgelet en for meg, Psycho under min hatt, Svarte katter & flosshatter, Sju bøtter tårer er nok Beatrice, Bøn fra helvete, Kontroll på kontintentet, Maestro. Encore KGB, Bak et halleluja, and Kvite russer.

Kvite russer was amazing – the audience was singing along VERY loudly, the Jackal owned them completely, and it was just really really nice. =:-) So nice that Jackal and Thunder stormed towards the microphone after the song and started singing something (which sounded too good to be just improvised, but even the Norwegians couldn’t identify a song). Until Omen, assisted by the crew, came on to drag them off stage. =;-)

By the way, the German translation for Bak et halleluja is “Hinter ein Halleluja” (just like the organ is still called “Eins für das Orgel und eins für mich” *g*). And in the middle of the song, Killmaster proved that you can also hit the barrels with a photo camera in your (other *g*) hand.

We got a slightly different version of Killmaster’s solo in Kontroll på kontinentet this time, because he jumped into the audience and played the solo while surfing. Which of course caused some wrong notes, but then who cares – it was awesome! =:-)

And also worth mentioning: In Sigøynerblod, we got the “old” version once again. The one with the guitar players up on the barrels and the “put your hands in the air like this!”

By the way, the venue seemed really packed – which isn’t really that surprising, because Postbahnhof is a bit smaller than for example Muffathalle. Thus the concert was really great!

21.11.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

Friday, November 21st, 2008

Hmm… actually I had planned to celebrate my 100th concert by NOT writing a concert report. =;-) But it was just too good, so I have to, I guess… *g* But I don’t have any photos this time.
... read on!

15.4.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

Hmm… seems that Kreuzberg isn’t what it used to be. There’s Michael Jackson on the radio at a burger place right next to SO36, and the great punk record store on Oranienstrasse turned into a hard core store… =:-( Nevertheless it was nice being back in Berlin – and even though most people I used to know in Berlin have moved away again, I bumped into people I knew right away. So nice! =:-)
... read on!

15.4.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008
15.4.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

28.11.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

Tuesday, November 28th, 2006
28.11.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

28.11.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

Tuesday, November 28th, 2006

The next show in Berlin… But it started long before the concert already, with a visit to the museum. There was an exhibition about Norway – featuring a real Kaizers Orchestra oil barrel! As we learned later, this was to represent the relation between technics and culture, thus oil and music. There was a press conference planned for this day where the Jackal and Omen turned up to answer some questions. The only problem was that nobody really knew what was supposed to happen – but this didn’t matter too much as there were some Polish and Norwegian fans there as well. Which means we could chat a little while waiting, and then the press representative of the museum turned up to tell a bit about the exhibition (in German…). After that, Kaizers answered some questions, there were a lot of pictures, and in the end we could look at the exhibition for a moment.
... read on!