
20.10.2022 Skambankt (John Dee, Oslo )

Saturday, October 22nd, 2022

It would be really cool to be able to say that both my very first and my very last Skambankt concert was at John Dee in Oslo, and I thought that was true as well – but no, turns out that my very first Skambankt concert was actually at Garasjen in Oslo … But hey, my second Skambankt concert in Oslo, fourth Skambankt concert overall, was at John Dee, so that’s close enough I guess, right? =;-)

Just some statistics to start this report off in style here. *lol* Since I’m apparently the one who keeps track of everything Skambankt do and say and has a database of every concert and song they ever played. =;-) Which again is probably “close enough” to the truth – I would assume that the concert list on this page is the most complete that exists (even though I’m sure that some of the old concerts are missing, and the dates for all the Covid concerts are certainly not accurate, given how often they were moved around). And for most Skambankt concerts I’ve seen, I put the setlist into the concert report. So yes, I guess I do keep track of everything. =;-)

But let’s get back to John Dee … my very last Skambankt concert ever! =:-( I expected a lot from the concert and had actively decided to go for the John Dee concert rather than the Rockefeller concert – because John Dee is so much smaller, and small club concerts are always awesome! But when we got there kinda late-ish (luckily without too much stress, thanks to Norwegian for not causing the kind of chaos that SAS did last week), only the front row was crowded and otherwise it was quite empty. Which of course changed until Skambankt went on – but still, with the concert being on a week night and without a support band, the show started out kinda slow, I felt … Skambankt were on point right from the start, but the audience wasn’t really into it yet.

Luckily, that changed throughout the concert! The setlist was quite standard for this tour (even though I was kinda surprised about Terje complaining several times that it was too dark on stage to see the setlist – come on, I only saw four concerts on this tour, and I knew that the next songs would be “Vår bør” and “Desertør” *lol*). It had a really nice surprise with “Pansersjokk” though, yay! Haven’t heard that one forever. =:-)

Then before “Me sa nei”, the song Skambankt played at every single concert so far, Terje “complained” about a certain someone (some German living in Trondheim … =;-)) fact-checking that statement. Hey, come on, I concluded with a “close enough” on that one, isn’t that sufficient?! *lol* And they DID NOT play it at Kartfestivalen in 2010. =;-D

Of course, that got back to me later on in the concert, when Terje asked me if they had played “Stormkast #1” at every single concert. And my gut feeling was that yes, they’ve played that one every time, and definitely more often than “Me sa nei”! “But you are gonna fact-check this afterwards, right?” – well, yes, of course I will! And yep, I haven’t found any concerts (unplugged excluded, but that’s the same for “Me sa nei”, of course) where they didn’t play “Stormkast #1” – well, except that … the song was released on “Min eliksir”, so of course they couldn’t play it before 2007. Oooops … I guess “Me sa nei” wins after all. =;-D

Anyway, after all that discussion about song statistics, Skambankt gave a big shout-out to the front row and the girls that “use way too much money” on coming to so many concerts to see them, but who are the ones who “lager stemning” and smile and have a great time at every concert. Oh yes, I couldn’t agree more! By then, the atmosphere had gotten a lot more enthusiastic overall, but nothing beats the front row. =:-) Except maybe the guy from the front-cover of the live album, who was there as well and also got a shout-out. =;-)

And then, Skambankt went off after “Stormkast #1” (which already didn’t bode well for the last song … *g*). As usual, the crowd went mad and shouted for encores, so we got three final songs: “Mantra”, “Slukk meg (for eg brenner)” and … yes, of course. My last ever Skambankt song was … *drumroll* … “Malin”. Yay! Thank you very much. =:-D

(And yes, of course, I get it. People want to hear it. But Skambankt really could have switched out Stormkast and Malin, just for this one show! And I’m starting to wonder what will be their absolute final song in Stavanger … *lol*)

The full setlist:

  1. Dynasti
  2. Skambankt
  3. Satan – det e du
  4. Horisonten brenner
  5. Voodoo
  6. Pansersjokk
  7. Vår bør
  8. 10/10
  9. Balladen om deg
  10. Desertør
  11. Alarm
  12. Tanker som mareritt
  13. Me sa nei
  14. O dessverre
  15. Født på ny
  16. Stormkast #1
  17. Mantra
  18. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  19. Malin

Either way, this was a great concert to finish things off – very sad it’s over, but THANK YOU for all the concerts (to go back to the statistics: a total of 74 concerts over the course of 17 and a half years!), THANK YOU for all the music and THANK YOU for all the good times! Lots of highs (and lows …) from a fansite perspective as well, but overall a lot of experiences I’d never want to miss! <3

Takk for alt! And see you on the comeback tour in a couple of years. =;-)

14.10.2022 Skambankt (Svømmehallen, Bodø)

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

Two more concerts to go! The first one up in Bodø – maybe not the most accessible place for most people, but living in Trondheim, Bodø is actually kinda easy to get to. It just takes ten hours on a train …

Or, if you need to use up some bonus points before they expire, only 45 minutes by plane! Well, if the plane actually leaves and isn’t delayed for two hours, that is … So yep, that was a kinda stressful trip, arriving in Bodø half an hour after the doors opened. Luckily, Bodø is small and you can walk from the airport into town, drop your stuff off at the hotel and STILL arrive at the concert place in time for a quick chat with the band at the merch stand before they go on stage. =:-O

I did miss LÜT though, which was a pity. =:-( But hey – fifteen minutes and half a beer after I arrived at the venue, Skambankt went on stage and got the crowd going!

I was positively surprised to see quite a few people there – Svømmehallen is a big-ish venue, but it looked crowded (while at the same time, it didn’t *feel* crowded, if that makes any sense – you could stand and dance and move without bumping into others, and most importantly, without others bumping into you). Afterwards I read that they actually had a party for the volunteers of Parkenfestivalen there before the concert, and most likely, people got to stay for the concert. So it wasn’t actually a Skambankt crowd … but still, people obviously enjoyed the concert, and I actually had some guy come up to me out of nowhere after the concert, with a huge smile on his face, asking how cool that concert was and what an awesome band …! Yep, I kinda agree. =;-) Sorry you’re so late to the party!

Anyway, not too much to report from the concert. The setlist was shorter than in Trondheim & Moss and didn’t have any surprises compared to the other shows of the tour. They did spontaneously add “O dessverre” though which wasn’t on the setlist (or maybe they had just forgotten to write it down there?). And yep, they managed to captivate the audience throughout the set – at first, everyone was kinda reserved, then people got more and more into it, and as always, they did actually get a mosh pit going towards the end during “Me sa nei”. “Look forward to it! Or maybe get scared …” (they know me well … *lol*)

Skambankt are nearing the end of their tour and have been going for a while, and that shows – on the one hand, they are really into it and the concerts are really smooth, well-timed and “choreographed”. On the other hand, Terje’s voice has seen better times. =;-) But it seems to be holding up still, fingers crossed for the next three weeks!

Several trips down memory lane … “Horisonten brenner” felt quite topical when it came out in 2018 – but it’s so much more current nowadays. =:-( “Desertør” has now turned into a song in favor of (Russian) deserters, and Voodoo was released in 2014 on Søvnl… or wait, no, on Sirene! *lol*

Of course, Skambankt had saved up the goodies for last … ok, not ACTUAL goodies, no candy or chocolates … (we got a two-minute monologue about different kinds of chocolates here). Then “Stormkast #1” to finish off the regular set!

Which of course meant that the final song would be “Malin” again … *rolleyes* But hey, I guess I should stop complaining, since Terje really doesn’t have much choice about playing “Malin” anymore since he was held at gunpoint after a concert in Vadsø for not playing it. *rofl*

The full setlist:

  1. Dynasti
  2. Skambankt
  3. Satan – det e du
  4. Horisonten brenner
  5. Voodoo
  6. Vår bør
  7. 10/10
  8. Balladen om deg
  9. Mantra
  10. Desertør
  11. Tanker som mareritt
  12. Me sa nei
  13. Alarm
  14. Født på ny
  15. O dessverre
  16. Stormkast #1
  17. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  18. Malin

08.10.2022 Skambankt (Byscenen, Trondheim)

Sunday, October 9th, 2022

A last Skambankt concert in Trondheim – originally, the concert was planned for March (like most shows of this tour), but was then moved to October. And October in Trondheim can be rather … ugly. So no, Trondheim didn’t show its friendly and beautiful side to anybody traveling up here this weekend, with loads of wind and rain (or should I write “Stormkast” and “etter solskinn kommer regnvær”? =;-D).

But hey, what else would you want to do on a night like this than cramming into a sold-out concert place with lots of like-minded people, celebrating an absolutely amazing rock concert?
(While Janove was playing a seated piano concert at a half-empty concert hall on the other side of town – just sayin’. =;-) )

I headed out there alone (since some people don’t bother answering their mails, thank you very much …), but no problem – after such a long time, you get to know your fellow Skambankt fans, both the ones here in Trondheim and the ones traveling from afar that you haven’t seen for a full nine years (so great to catch up!). =:-)

Already during the show of the support band LÜT it became obvious that this would be a special concert – everybody was into it and ready to move and clap and sing and scream! And that’s how it was from the very beginning, already during LÜT’s show and then even more so when it was finally time for Skambankt!

Skambankt made it clear right away what they expected from the audience – since they love Trondheim, and it’s clearly their second home away from home! (OK, slightly confused about this since I always get the weirdest looks when answering to “so you still live in Trondheim?” followed by an implicit “why the hell?!?” *lol*) But Skambankt concerts in Trondheim ARE always absolutely amazing!

And hot! Trondheim’s weather might have shown its worst side yesterday, but inside Byscenen it was warm and humid like in “Syden”. Oh yeah! Add in a huge mosh pit (even WITHOUT Skambankt having to get it started), the “traditional” wall of death during “Me sa nei” and lots and lots of crowdsurfers (uhm, what the hell happened during Covid? Before, anybody even attempting to crowdsurf would have been thrown out right away … but hey, amazing that they just let them have fun this time! I mean, amazing if you watched from a safe distance, of course … =;-) ). And of course “Skambankt” chants even before the concert started, and then again before the encores and at the end – this was a very clear “takk for alt” from Trondheim to Skambankt, simply awesome!

The setlist was also great – it didn’t QUITE live up to the one in Moss, but it was very close. No big surprises this time, except that “Anonyme hatere” made it back as the opener, and that they moved “Stormkast #1” to the last song before the encores and then finished the full set with … “Malin”. OMG. Just don’t. *rofl*

The full setlist:

  1. Anonyme hatere
  2. Skambankt
  3. Satan – det e du
  4. Horisonten brenner
  5. Dynasti
  6. Voodoo
  7. Vår bør
  8. 10/10
  9. Balladen om deg
  10. Desertør
  11. Tanker som mareritt
  12. Me sa nei
  13. Alarm
  14. O dessverre
  15. Født på ny
  16. Stormkast #1
  17. Mantra
  18. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  19. Malin

Two more concerts for me – next week I’ll make my way up to Bodø, and then my final concert will be at John Dee in Oslo. The countdown has started … =:-/
(But what did Terje say on stage yesterday? “Takk for alt!! Men vi kommer sikkert til å ses igjen …” =:-D)

24.09.2022 Skambankt (Verket Scene, Moss)

Monday, September 26th, 2022

The most annoying part of the day after a concert: writing the concert report. The best thing about the day before a concert: reading through old concert reports and reminiscing about old times and awesome experiences!

Like my first Skambankt concert in Moss, in 2009, or the road trip to Fredrikstad and Ås (for Skambankt concerts of course!) with a stopover in Moss a couple of years before that. The conclusion of that trip down memory lane: Moss stinks, and Skambankt concerts in Moss are a lot of fun! And as it turns out, only one of these statements is still true … =;-)

So why Moss?! Well, one simple reason was that the concert was on a Saturday, so perfect for traveling. The other reason was a birthday, so this was the perfect time to get our old Kaizers/Skambankt touring crew back together and celebrate JeJe’s birthday in style with an awesome concert. And so we did! I didn’t have any idea what to expect, since I hadn’t made it to any Skambankt club shows after Covid yet, and we all hear about how badly ticket sales are going at the moment … but hey, no need to worry at all! Verket Scene was crowded (probably not quite sold out, but full), and even though everybody was a little reserved and quiet in the beginning (“Moss! Are you sure it’s a Saturday today or are you all in Sunday mood …?!”), they warmed up over time, and the concert turned out to be really awesome and energetic! And apparently it was also the longest of the tour so far (even though it still felt short, of course =;-)).

But yes, this was a lot of fun! Skambankt built the concert up perfectly, with a setlist with a LOT of hits and old songs. They started out with “Dynasti”, “Skambankt” and then “Satan – det e du”, which fit in surprisingly well and sounded just like the “old” songs. Then a few nice surprises later in the setlist – I haven’t heard “Løgnprofitør” and “Nok et offer” in like forever, and “Desertør” and “Slukk meg” also made their way back into the set, which is awesome! And talking about the good old times – how about “Alarm”? Including the count-in part where they bring someone from the audience up on stage, and this time we went full circle with Anette & Lily counting in – just like they did so many times 12, 13 years ago. Did I say “good old times” already? =;-)

The last Skambankt concert in Moss had been sold out, with 30 people sitting spread apart in Corona times … but not this time. Let’s just replace the meter with a centimeter, and go kiss your neighbor! =;-) (Or … rather not. I’ll keep the meter, thank you. *lol*) In addition to all the high-energy songs, we also got to hear a few power ballads – since no rock band is better than the power ballads they have!

Towards the end, we got a full run-down of Skambankt’s history, from the times of the first demo tape to the “resurrection” at a bachelor’s party to the first REAL demo and it somehow making it to Oslo, and … One hassler didn’t manage to shut up and kept interrupting Terje’s train of thought, so he got a can of beer to shut up (which worked!). But that obviously interrupted my train of thought, since I’m not quite sure how we got from the demo tape to “and the song we’re now going to play was NOT on that record” and … well, to keep it short, we got a 5-minute intro to … “Malin”. =;-D

Either way, an absolutely fantastic concert with a very energetic band that obviously loved playing, and a slightly quiet but in the end really engaged audience! Kinda dangerous for a first concert of the tour … I might need to check my calender and travel plans for the next couple of weeks one more time … =;-)

The full setlist:

  1. Dynasti
  2. Skambankt
  3. Satan – det e du
  4. Løgnprofitør
  5. Horisonten brenner
  6. Nok et offer
  7. Voodoo
  8. Vår bør
  9. Balladen om deg
  10. Desertør
  11. Tanker som mareritt
  12. Me sa nei
  13. Alarm
  14. O dessverre
  15. Født på ny
  16. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  17. Malin
  18. Mantra
  19. Stormkast #1

06.08.2022 Skambankt (Raumarock, Åndalsnes)

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Skambankt are wrapping things up – but luckily, they are still playing a couple of festivals this summer and a last big tour in the fall!

So of course I had to pick one of the festivals. The closest to Trondheim was Raumarock, and since I’d been there 15 years ago already and really liked both the festival and the surroundings, the decision was easy. Road trip time!

Of course, even though we’re talking about “summer” festivals here – “summer” is a rather dubious term in not-Oslo-Norway this year … The weather forecast for Raumarock was 11 degrees and rain all day for Saturday. Yay! Luckily, it didn’t turn out quite as bad – the 11 degrees was about right, but it stopped raining just before the concerts started. Yay! =:-D

It’s been more than a year since my last Skambankt concert – and more than three years since my last “plugged” Skambankt concert! =:-o (That one was as support for Bon Jovi, in 11 degrees and rain, by the way … *lol*) So it was about time again! It felt kinda strange though – in one way, it all felt as if my last “rock Skambankt” concert had been last week, and at the same time, it felt like ages ago. I constantly cursed myself for not having my camera ready because of course I knew that there would be a picture-worthy moment coming up – but then, I didn’t realize until two seconds before. =;-)

Still, it felt really really good to be at a real Skambankt concert again. The setlist was awesome as well – a great mixture of old hits and the stuff that “the kids nowadays” =;-) know. The only downside was that when Skambankt asked for wishes, the first song they chose was “Malin”. Oh come on … if there’s ONE song that nobody needs, it’s clearly that pop schlager – I just can’t keep myself from laughing about the ridiculous “ooh-ooh-ooh” part. Sorry. *lol* Luckily, I could confirm afterwards that my suspicion about the song being on the setlist anyway was correct, which made it a bit less annoying.

The concert happened rather early in the evening, and unfortunately, there weren’t that many people around yet. And of course, there was quite a bit of a “bygdefest” feeling around the festival anyway … which clearly influenced the way the concert was going. I mean, at the very end when they were taking a picture, Skambankt told us to “look as if we were having fun”. =;-D So it was obvious that Skambankt didn’t expect too much from the audience, but of course they kept challenging us! And I have to admit that I was VERY surprised when they asked for a wall of death (without calling it that, since Norwegians don’t know what that is =;-) ) in “Me sa nei” and asked for the festival to “explode” – and people were actually into it, beer glasses were flying and there was an actual mosh pit. For a couple of seconds. But hey, I did NOT expect that at all. =:-D

Not quite sure why Skambankt decided to count down from 19 in that song, given that it was Raumarock’s 20th anniversary. =;-) And I’m also slightly tempted to fact-check the statement that they’ve played “Me sa nei” at every single concert they’ve played – but then, who cares, they played it this time and it was huge fun! One thing I was a little confused about was that they started to put vocal efects on most of the old songs … not sure I’m a fan of that. But then, my guess is that it’s supposed to make them easier to sing, which is a good reason. And the songs are always fun live, so it doesn’t really make much of a difference.

Not a lot of note-worthy talk between the songs, but still a great concert! Only too short – they had 90 minutes and were pretty much the only band that night that didn’t use all their time. But then, they were also the only band that had a full 90 minutes, so this might just have been bad planning from the festival. =;-)

The full setlist:

  1. Dynasti
  2. Skambankt
  3. Voodoo
  4. Horisonten brenner
  5. Mantra
  6. Vår bør
  7. Balladen om deg
  8. Tanker som mareritt
  9. Me sa nei
  10. O dessverre
  11. Malin
  12. Født på ny
  13. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  14. Stormkast #1

PS: And the result from the fact check – I just clicked on five random concert reports, and four out of the five concerts had “Me sa nei” in the setlist (the odd one out was Kartfestivalen). So I guess that’s close enough. =;-)

07.06.2022 Die Ärzte (Wuhlheide, Berlin)

Saturday, June 18th, 2022
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Sommer 2013, der DÄOF/DÄFC war schon eine Weile Geschichte, die Ärztivals 2012 eine ziemliche Enttäuschung, die Festivals mit DÄ-Beteiligung okay, aber jetzt auch keine Wow-Momente. Damit hatte ich DÄ 98-mal gesehen, und meine Vorhersage war klar: “Ich werde die 100 wohl kaum voll kriegen.”

Fast forward nach 2019 – okay, ich lebe mittlerweile im Ausland, DÄ gehen auf Auslandstour und warum nicht einen kurzen Abstecher nach London, London ist immer toll? Das DÄ-Konzert war nett, nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Camden Rocks direkt im Anschluss war absolut grandios. Fazit: “Ich werde die 100 wohl kaum voll kriegen”.

Dann die Ankündigung für die “In the ä tonight”-Tour. Man kann es ja vielleicht doch mal probieren? Aber absolut keine Chance

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, Tickets zu kriegen. Na gut, dann nicht – “Ich werde die 100 wohl kaum voll kriegen”. Beim x-ten Mal “gibt es vielleicht doch noch Rückläufer?” dann plötzlich ein noch nicht angekündigtes Zusatzkonzert in Stuttgart. Ob das vielleicht doch klappt mit dem 100.?

So weit so gut. Und dann kam Corona. 2020 wollte ich mir System of a Down bei Rock im Park angucken, das Festival wurde verschoben – erst auf 2021, dann auf 2022. Die Berlin-Tour wurde angekündigt, und das Wuhlheide-Konzert sollte direkt nach Rock im Park sein … das passte natürlich. Also auch da mal ein Ticket gesichert, denn man weiß ja nie, was passiert (und RiP war ohne System of a Down eh wenig Anreiz für einen Deutschland-Trip).

Mein potentiell 100. DÄ-Konzert in Stuttgart wurde erst auf 2021 verschoben, dann abgesagt. Damit war die Wuhle der Kandidat für Nummer 100 (was ja schon recht cool ist!) – aber kurz vor meiner Abreise nach Deutschland fingen DÄ an, Konzerte abzusagen … nu ja: “Ich werde die 100 wohl kaum voll kriegen”. Ne? =;-)

Umso überraschter war ich dann, als ich TATSÄCHLICH in der Wuhle stand. Nummer 100, here I come! 25 Jahre nach meinem ersten DÄ-Konzert und neun Jahre nach meinem 98. Konzert … Die Erwartungen waren gemischt. Ich kann beim besten Willen nicht sagen, dass DÄ mich in den letzten Jahren in irgendeiner Art und Weise interessiert hätten. Ich hab mir die neuen Alben gekauft und angehört, aber nicht sonderlich “religiös”. Ein paar Songs waren nett, einige unterirdisch. Alte weiße Männer, die denken, progressiv zu sein. Und klar, so waren sie schon immer, aber die Zeiten ändern sich halt … Andererseits hat der Podcast zur Berlin-Tour und die ganzen Lied-Snippets darin doch ein wenig das alte Fieber geweckt, und da kam doch immer wieder Lust auf das Konzert auf.

Und genau so war es eigentlich auch während des ganzen Konzerts: Furchtbar viel “Füllmaterial” (neue Lieder sowie alte, die mich nie sonderlich interessiert haben), und mittendrin dann immer mal wieder eine Perle. Quatschmäßig war es nett, aber nicht grandios. Keine furchtbaren Cringe-Momente, aber auch keine “Ich kann nicht mehr vor Lachen”-Gags oder Improvisationen. Die Wuhle war und ist toll, das Wetter spielte mit, die Menschenmassen in Corona-Zeiten (und besonders die Schlangen überall) dämpften die Stimmung.

Sprich: Es war nett. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Das Ende – zwanzig Minuten nach dem üblichen Curfew! – mit Käfer und Zu spät war toll. Und ich hab die 100 jetzt voll, ein super Zeitpunkt, um aufzuhören (oder sie irgendwann nochmal zu sehen, warum auch nicht – Punk ist, ne …?).

Danke DÄ für 25 Jahre brutto, viele tolle Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen, und die Wuhle war ein schöner Abschluss!

31.07.2020 Skambankt (Lager 11, Trondheim)

Saturday, August 1st, 2020

The Skambankt concert in Trondheim in March was my first concert that was cancelled because of Corona – so it made perfect sense that Skambankt playing in Trondheim would also be my first concert after … (Oh well, who am I kidding, there is no “after” – but you know what I mean =;-) )

They were playing at a food court as part of a brewery festival, it was a seated concert, and the show was streamed to loads of other breweries so there weren’t too many people gathered in one place. And of course, it felt kinda weird – just sitting down at a concert is strange, and only parts of the audience were there for the concert instead of the beer. But still: it was a concert, and it was awesome! =:-D

We didn’t get the full band, but the Trio version (because of distancing rules and a stage that was too small for five – yeah sure …), but that works well for the unplugged show. And it meant that Terje had to take over the bass drum and tambourine in addition to the guitar, vocals, and harmonica – and extra challenges always make for a good show, right? Just putting on the foot tambourine so that it actually stayed on, and of course complaining about how uncool and clumsy that looks, made for five minutes of quality entertainment … *lol*

Since it was a brewery festival, Skambankt were served different beers and ciders throughout the concert, which of course lead to some breaks and talking in between songs. Which is something I love, since it’s always fun! Terje was quite concerned though if we actually understood what they were saying, since jærsk and trøndersk can be a bit mutually intelligible. =;-) That’s also why later on, we had to switch over to jærsk, since “Kjem snart heim” just doesn’t have the same ring to it …

Overall, it was a typical sit-down concert of course, with a quiet-ish audience listening to what was happening on stage. But there were a few songs where the audience got really involved. The first one was “Sånne som deg”, with constant clapping throughout the song. And when the main set was finished (and everyone got up for standing ovations, which made the band feel like they’re “in a theater” *g*), we got “Kommer snart hjem” as encore. Without accordion this time, which everyone was of course reeeeeeeaaally sad about, but with a lot of clapping and sing-a-long. A perfect conclusion for the concert!

The setlist:

  • Horisonten brenner
  • Levende legende
  • Gribben
  • Balladen om deg
  • I dette huset
  • O dessverre
  • Fritt fall (“Sorry for all the depressing songs from the west of Norway …”)
  • Sånne som deg
  • Når eg sover
  • Voodoo (“The world is really scary right now!”)
  • Skumring
  • Født på ny
  • Kommer snart hjem

30.04.2021 Skambankt (Verkstedhallen, Trondheim)

Saturday, May 1st, 2021

I really shouldn’t be complaining – up here in Trondheim, where we’ve been very lucky in keeping Covid numbers down, concerts were allowed most of the time. Many were postponed since a concert with max 10 or 20 people in the audience just isn’t profitable, but still … there’s a lot happening here compared to other regions or countries. But with all the insecurity around everything, and too many people in one room just not feeling safe, you need to really want to see a band to buy a ticket.

And YES, I really wanted to see Skambankt again! So I got my ticket for March, and now, at the end of April, we were actually allowed to the concert. With strict rules and a seated audience of course, which wouldn’t have worked at all for a “Rock Skambankt” show, but for the toned down version, it was totally fine. Even though there were a few songs where staying in your seat simply felt wrong … At least Terje had chosen to sit down as well, in solidarity with the audience. =;-)

Unlike on the last tour, Skambankt brought the full band this time, plus brass backup, and with the Jærtegn album out they had a lot more songs to choose from. Not a lot of rock’n’roll (even though the audience kept demanding it over and over again, including in the intro to “Født på ny” *lol*), but really nice (and perfectly performed!) music. =:-) The brass section has been getting a lot more work to do lately, and they blend in very well.

Trondheim is Skambankt’s home away from home, and since they first played here in 2004 (“how many years ago was that…?”), they had some of their best concerts here. Not sure if this was one of the very best, with a sitting audience, but it was definitely fun! With quite a bit of talk in between, about festivals, moonshine, messed up guitars, good parties resulting in newly formed (political) parties, and so on. Very entertaining, but only if you’re there, not if I attempt to write it down, so I won’t even try. =;-)

Thanks so much to Skambankt for venturing out on tour in the current conditions and spreading joy and music! Much appreciated, and so worth going a little bit easy on all precautions for once and trying out this “having fun” thing again after such a long time. =:-D

The setlist:

  • Hadde eg bare visst
  • For en evighet
  • 10/10
  • SOS
  • Balladen om deg
  • Gribben
  • Levende legende
  • Én av en million
  • Fritt fall
  • I dette huset
  • Sånne som deg
  • En skjebne som slår
  • Voodoo
  • Kommer snart hjem
  • Horisonten brenner
  • Født på ny
  • Når eg sover

30.05.2019 Die Ärzte (Electric Ballroom, London)

Friday, June 7th, 2019
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Mein 99. Ärzte-Konzert. Zugegeben, ich hatte nicht erwartet, die 100 Konzerte irgendwann vollzukriegen – einerseits, weil es ja nie sicher war, ob DÄ nochmal auf Tour gehen, anderseits, weil sie mich einfach nicht mehr wirklich interessieren …

Als dann die Miles&More-Tour angekündigt wurde (einmal rund in Europa, aber natürlich nicht nach Skandinavien … *grmbl*) schlug dann natürlich doch ein wenig die Gewohnheit zu – man muss ja zumindest mal gucken, ob man ein Ticket ergattern kann. 😉 Insbesondere, wenn das Konzert in London an einem langen Wochenende liegt. Gesagt, getan, und mit genügend Konzertjunkie-Erfahrung auch kein großer Stress beim Ticketkauf (auch wenn die Portokosten jenseits von gut und böse waren). Und in der Vorbereitung auf den Trip dann auch noch die Erkenntnis, dass am gleichen Wochenende noch Camden Rocks stattfindet und man das ja auch noch mitnehmen kann. Yay!

Um es kurz zu machen: Das Ärzte-Konzert hat Spaß gemacht. Camden Rocks hat noch viel mehr Spaß gemacht. 😉
Aber doch, ja, ich war positiv überrascht. Meine großen Fan-Zeiten sind definitiv vorbei und ich würde mir jetzt nicht sofort nochmal ein Ärzte-Konzert angucken wollen

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, aber mein 100. wird wohl doch noch irgendwann stattfinden.

Ich hatte nicht vor, einen Bericht zu schreiben (und tue es eigentlich nur, weil ich schließlich schon 98 Berichte vorher geschrieben habe), daher habe ich mir nichts gemerkt. Aber es war die typische Altherren-Blödelei auf der Bühne, gemischt mit “woah, wir sind tatsächlich in London”, und die ganzen alten Lieder, die ich seit 2013 nicht mehr gehört habe. Und das war definitiv cool!
Weniger cool war das Publikum. Ich stand wie immer vorne links – um mich rum ein paar typische Fans, die begeistert waren und Spaß hatten, direkt neben mir eine Gruppe, der das Konzert relativ wuppe war, die aber dafür umso besorgter waren, wie man denn bei dem Gedränge neues Bier holen soll, und auf der anderen Seite eine Dame, die der Meinung war, dass hier in London im Gegensatz zu Deutschland ja nur “Gesocks” auf Konzerten sind, die einen nicht mal durchlassen. Nun ja, zwei Minuten vorher bin ich genau denselben Weg durchgelaufen, wurde überall problemlos durchgelassen, und von dem ganzen Gesocks habe ich keinen einzigen Englisch sprechen hören …
Nun ja, Ärzte-Fans halt. *ähem*

Also insgesamt ein tolles Konzert, nervige Elite-Fans, aber insgesamt ein netter Abend. Und am Wochenende danach ein Haufen wundervoller Club-Konzerte mit ganz vielen Neuentdeckungen – und damit ein voll und ganz gelungener Kurzurlaub in London!

29+30.11.2019 Skambankt (Tou Scene, Stavanger)

Sunday, December 1st, 2019

Well … the Trondheim concert was definitely too much fun. So I had to take a short trip down to Stavanger after all – even though I had decided to skip the concerts there this time, too much hassle, too expensive, too many other things to do.

But nah, no excuses – who knows when we’ll see Skambankt unplugged again? Said and done, two days down in Stavanger, three concerts within these two days, and hell yeah, it was worth it!

The two concerts at night (Friday and Saturday) were quite similar. OK, except for the fact that on Saturday, I had a group of talkers right behind (and for one song, right in front of) me … Argh, can people just shut up? It just isn’t fair that two people talking can ruin the concert for 15 or so people around them … Or as Terje pointed out, “there’s only two songs left, and if you can’t make it through those without talking, there’s a bar outside as well …”

On stage, there was quite a lot happening throughout the concert. Camilla Rosenlund, who also warmed up before Skambankt, joined for Slukk meg (for eg brenner) – which worked really nicely as a duet (even though it still isn’t quite as awesome as the fast and punky version =;-) ) – and Vår bør (with three voices throughout the whole song, perfect for smoking … you know *g*). After that, it was time for some brass on stage, to join in on Horisonten brenner, For en evighet, and Levende legende. They had added For en evighet just for the concerts in Stavanger, and it got better and better every night. And since the role of the brass players in the other two songs was mostly “hold long notes”, this was a great addition, since they got to add some big band style. Or maybe Dandy Warhols style? =;-) Either way, great fun!

Since they had guests on stage, Skambankt had to rearrange their setlist quite a bit. And that showed – especially at my first concert on Friday. =;-) There was a lot of “oh wait, now I need the harmonica, and now the rattle thingy, and oh no, now the setlist fell down and I don’t know what is next”. But in a very cute way, of course. *g*

The setlist for both nights was the same – no encores (or maybe more “no break before the encores”):

  1. Gribben
  2. Fritt fall
  3. Balladen om deg
  4. O dessverre
  5. Sånne som deg
  6. I dette huset
  7. Når eg sover
  8. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  9. Vår bør
  10. Horisonten brenner
  11. For en evighet
  12. Levende legende
  13. Kommer snart hjem
  14. Skumring
  15. Født på ny

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I love this band – plugged or unplugged. #skambankt

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For the kids’ concert, they dropped a few of the songs, of course. They were really nervous about that concert – would the kids actually make it through the full show? Or would it get too much, and the kids would start whining and chatting and running around? No need to worry at all, it turned out: the kids were awesome! The concert had the most attentive and least chatty audience by far, yay! And the kids really enjoyed it as well. I mean, what could you not like if the band sings about “a big great house”, about firefighting, and about their job, where they get lots of candy and soda and chips backstage? =;-) But Skambankt also warned the kids that they might be a bit surprised at their next Skambankt concert, which will probably be quite different from this one … *g*

All in all, the kids’ concert was quite special (of course, since it was in the middle of the day, no alcohol involved, and the first concert for so many excited kids). The setlist:

  1. Gribben
  2. Balladen om deg
  3. Sånne som deg
  4. I dette huset
  5. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  6. Vår bør
  7. Horisonten brenner
  8. For en evighet
  9. Kommer snart hjem
  10. Skumring
  11. Født på ny

So an awesome weekend! Thanks so much to Skambankt for three great concerts – and I guess now it’s time to dust off the electric guitars for the next round of shows? =:-D