14.8.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Pukkelpop, Hasselt)

12:30? That was the time Kaizers played at Taubertal as well… just that it was 12:30 at night then, and this time it was 12:30 in the morning…. muuuuuch too early.

OK, for me it didn’t really make a difference, as I had driven to Pukkelpop at night and slept in the parking. So for me, getting up at ten instead of noon didn’t really make a difference. But I was a bit afraid that nobody else would show up at the concert… considering that at German festivals, there’s not more than a handful of people present at concerts starting before five pm or so.

But – no need to worry! The tent was filled. Not packed, of course, and actually, people weren’t that enthusiastic yet, but that’s not something you could expect at that time of the day. But attracting so many people so early is a thing not every band can accomplish!

Like all other bands playing in the afternoon, Kaizers had only 40 minutes, and that is much too short of course. So the setlist was very short: Ompa til du dør, Bøn fra helvete, Blitzregn Baby, Sigøynerblod, Kontroll på kontinentet, KGB, Resistansen and Maestro.

Instead of a beer, wine or whiskey bottle, the Jackal came on stage this time carrying a can of coffee. Well, no wonder… =;-) And I finally got to hear the new intro this time – it fits very well, but it is “not the old one”. *g* But that isn’t too bad either, actually.

Apart from that, I don’t really have anything I could report. There was no time for talking, and I can’t remember anything except for the standard things like “who’s here for the first time?”, “Anybody from Sweden here?”, “Do you people like to dance?” and “Say halleluja!”. But it seemed that Omen was awake already, he was swinging to Blitzregn Baby and dripping under his introduction. =;-)

So, all in all, it was a very solid concert. Because of the short time and the early hour the audience remained rather quiet – but I had a lot of fun nevertheless. =:-)

Afterwards, I had to hurry over to the other stage of course, where Disco Ensemble played right after Kaizers. Would have been nice to have a little break inbetween, but well… Brain off and party. =;-) Disco Ensemble had also gathered quite a crowd and were really fascinated by that. And they also delivered a great concert, even though the audience was rather calm here as well. But that’s no wonder, concerts before breakfast… =;-)

The rest of the day was rather quiet, walking around and listening a bit here and there, and then I was back on the motorway headed for Highfield… Thanks to Nele and Lovise for a really nice day! =:-)

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