
02.04.2011 Kaizers Orchestra (Gasometer, Wien)

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Four hours of sleep, ten hours in the car, arriving in Vienna 45 minutes before the concert – still we made it to the concert venue just in time and arrived about two minutes after Jarle Bernhoft went on stage. Which meant that the concert had to be REALLY great, to make up for our tiredness…

And well, what can I say: It couldn’t have been any better! For Kaizers, the concert was a rehearsal for the concert at Oslo Spektrum, because the stage was the same size as at Spektrum. And the atmosphere was great – even though Gasometer was far from sold out. But the audience was very very loud, they wanted to have a great time, and they did! Of course, that rubbed off on the band at once, and the concert turned out to be terrific. Even though there wasn’t really ANYTHING happening that you wouldn’t get to see at other concerts as well… but somehow, the atmosphere was special. And if I hadn’t been looking forward to the Spektrum concert before, I would definitely be now!

The setlist: Intro, Delikatessen, Djevelens orkester, Señor Torpedo, Veterans klage, Sigøynerblod, Resistansen, Philemon Arthur & The Dung, Femtakt filosofi, Din kjole lukter bensin mor, En for orgelet en for meg, Diamant til kull, Psycho under min hatt, Svarte katter & flosshatter, Hjerteknuser, Sju bøtter tårer er nok Beatrice, Bøn fra helvete, Kontroll på kontinentet, Maestro. Encore Bak et halleluja and Kvite russer.

The only details I remember about the concert are that the Jackal had to count out which pick Killmaster was supposed to use under his solo in Kontroll på kontinentet, and that we got to see the Jackal and Thunder dancing at the end, while the audience was singing Kvite russer.

And after the concert, I was totally exhausted – but since you can’t just go to bed after such a concert, we didn’t call it a day just yet. Thanks to everyone for a great night out! =:-D

22.11.2009 Bela B (Gasometer, Wien)

Monday, November 23rd, 2009
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Hach ja… Dass auf ein tolles Konzert in München ein tolles Konzert in Wien folgt, ist ja auch nicht wirklich etwas Neues in der Tourgeschichte diverser Bands – allerdings war ich noch nie in Wien auf einem Konzert dabei, also war es für mich schon etwas Neues. =;-) … weiterlesen!